วันเสาร์ที่ 28 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Donating Preemie Clothes

I know that after the birth of a preemie, you may have already spent months in the NeoNatal oppressive Care Unit (Nicu) and you are tired. You want nothing more than to just get back to real life and enjoy this high-priced tiny one that you have anguished over for months. But, can you give just a tiny bit more?

When we were in the Nicu for nearly 3 months with our tiny Ava, we noticed that there were many parents who could barely afford to come and visit their tiny ones, let alone try to dress them. By far the greater whole of infants in the Nicu belonged to families of lower earnings brackets. We were told that they often ended up in the Nicu, because no ifs ands or buts good prenatal care was a luxury rather than a necessity.

Donate For Children

My heart went out to these families. I couldn't even fantasize not being able to be with your child 24/7 because hanging on to your job in order to keep a roof over your head or food on the table had to take precedence.

There was one house that stands out in my mind during our Nicu stay. This house was in for even longer than we were, and we rarely ever saw them. When we did, they were every bit as loving with their tiny girl as we were. It wasn't that they did not want to be with her, it was that they could not. In order to see their child they took a long bus ride, which was only something that time afforded them to do on the weekend and maybe only one day. I couldn't fantasize how painful it must have been to stay away for such long periods of time.

But, as I said before, just being able to visit their tiny one in the Nicu was a luxury, dressing their child was something they could only dream of. Can you fantasize that? Here, in the land of over abundance? Should a parent have to forgo the very easy please of being able to dress their child? Isn't that a basic instinct to provide for your child?

I wanted to help, and we did at the time. It wasn't a lot, but the joy it brought the house was great indeed, and that in turn gave us much happiness.

Since our sense with Ava, I have opened a store that supplies clothing and accessories for preemies in the Nicu. Not to long ago, I had one lady buy a whole whole of things. The quantity was rather large and varied. I opinion she had had manifold births, but straight through some correspondence we had, I found out she was buying for numerous other babies in the Nicu as well as for her own tiny girl. I opinion this was so amazing! What a lovely gift to be able to share with others like that.

So, I got to thinking. Not every person can afford to dress every person else's children, even if they wanted to. But, could you be in a position to donate the extra preemie clothing that you are now done using to other families. I have no doubt in my mind the great joy that would come to not only you, but the families who receive your clothes.

So please, if you would like to share what you can, please email me a avababys@hotmail.com or stop by my website and go to, "Donating Preemie Clothes". Something so easy can bring so much happiness.

Donating Preemie Clothes

วันเสาร์ที่ 21 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Top Items to Donate to Charities

Donating to charities is very good for the soul and it warms the heart. There are many charities all over the world who accept an array of items and products that help population in their daily lives. There are any things throughout your house that can be donated. If you use something every day then there is someone out there who can use it too.

You can look in your garage, storage, kitchen and bathroom for separate items to donate. Look in your kitchen for non-perishable food that you can donate to your local pantry. There are many population together with small children who are unable to eat and a few cans of vegetables or fruit could help a lot.

Donate For Children

Look colse to your storage/garage or even your house. Is there some furniture you would like to get rid of? Then donate it. There are many families without a couch or dining set and even more out there who do not have a bed for their children or themselves. Babies need baby cribs, therefore if you have extra and do not know what to do with it, than donate it. You just might make someone's day.

Clothing is one thing that should be donated over most all else except for food because population need to be covered especially during the cold months of winter. If you have some clothes lying colse to that you do not wear any longer or your kids have out grown them, then donate them. Just make sure they are not too worn, very stained or holey. If you are donating clothes then you should wash the clothes so that way they are ready to be worn once donated.

Toys are a very good thing to donate because a toy can make a child smile and that is very leading for children. Every child should have a great childhood and make memories that are worth remembering and sometimes toys can do that. We all remember that one toy that made us smile when we were kids.

Toys are especially leading to donate colse to Christmas time. It is very hard to illustrate to a child why Santa came to the houses colse to them but not your own. Therefore, if you have some toys lying colse to then donate them. Or you could even buy some new toys and donate them.
Donate books, books are very leading and every person should have even a small collection. You could donate educational books or even fictional books but just make sure it is something worth reading. There are many population who fall into the "needy" type who would love to be able to get their Ged or High School Diploma. So, if you have an old study book lying colse to donate it.

There are many things that population can donate to help others out but never donate anything that you wouldn't use yourself. If it is broken, unusable, or full of holes than throw it away. Only donate the things that you would want if the tables were turned and you were the one receiving donations.

Top Items to Donate to Charities

วันเสาร์ที่ 14 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Kids and Clutter - Keep, Donate, or Throw Out

It's a fact - kids are messy creatures. Within minutes, it can look like a tornado has followed them around the house. This narrative focuses on regularly getting rid of unused, worn out, or broken things as one way to keep kid areas decluttered. Read on to scrutinize four quick-and-easy ways to keep the "kid clutter" out of your house.

Papers - Set aside fifteen, ten, or even five minutes a few times a week to look through school work and other papers in your child's room. This can be a fun way to spend time with your child while decluttering. You may find a few good things to keep. Throw away the rest after you have enjoyed seeing over them.

Donate For Children

Unused Clothes - Children outgrow and wear out their clothes quickly. Their drawers and closets can verily get cluttered with clothes they don't verily wear. Once every month or so, check for clothes that are stained, torn, worn out, or seem too small. You can verily do this while you do laundry so it doesn't take extra time. Throw out clothes that can't be worn and think donating clothes in good shape that have been outgrown.

Broken Things - A child's room or play area often has unused or broken toys and writing utensils. Just getting rid of these can make a big difference. Take about 15 minutes a few times a month to check for broken crayons, broken art projects, small cafeteria toys that aren't used, and other cluttery items. This can be made into a fun game for your kids with a timer and some music.

Protected Items - With all of this purging and throwing away, your child may think that whatever is fair game for the trashcan. Agree on some personal treasures and sentimental favorites that are off-limits for decluttering. The idea is to help your kids elaborate what they verily love. They will be more willing to part with extra things when they know their favorites are protected.

Kids and Clutter - Keep, Donate, or Throw Out

วันเสาร์ที่ 7 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Why Not Donate a Car to Charity?

If you have an old car you no longer use, you probably can't get much for it. Who wants to go through the process of advertising a car and then dealing with all the sales hassles, the taxes, and the tags? Still, if the old car runs, it's hard to part with and you don't want to have to pay for person to tow it away. There is an alternative.

Why not donate the car to charity? Here's what you do.

Donate For Children

Make certain that you have the title to your car. You will need to hand it over when donating the car. Before you make any other arrangements about the car, go and find the title. You need to have bodily rights of that title at the time of your donation or the whole thing is mute. They won't take a car without its title,

Now, you want to find a charity that will take your car. This is a whole lot easier than trying to find a buyer for that same old car. Get on-line and quest for charities accepting automobile donations. Find the closest 501 (c) (3) designee. The charity will have this designation listed. If they don't, just find one that does. Verify their status with the Irs Tax Exempt and Government Entities Department. This just takes a few extra clicks.

Next, you will be asked to fill out an on-line application form.

Arrange to have the car taken away. Most car donation charities will come and get your old vehicle within about twenty-four or forty-eight hours. Get a verification receipt or whole and print it off of your computer.

Claim your deduction by having the car donation charity do the paperwork for you. It ordinarily takes about thirty days for this process to take place. Be sure to get some kind of interim receipt or acknowledgment in case there are any difficulties in receiving the finalized papers.

You should be able to claim full blue book value for your car, but no more. You will make the Internal earnings service way too consuming if you try to get a deduction for the value of a Bentley. You just want a reasonable deduction for the value of the car you gave away, don't get crazy. Running deductions too high is a red flag for a tax audit. You don't want to cause yourself a problem, when you just solved one.

Why Not Donate a Car to Charity?