If you need to raise some immense funds for your beloved organization or charity then a fund raising auction is one of your best choices. This article will expose you to some great ideas and strategies for your next fund raising auction event.
So Many Earning Avenues
Donate Funds
One of the major reasons why a fund raising auction can be so profitable is because you can add so many other events to the fund raiser. You might have spaghetti supper or chili feed and charge so much per plate. You could incorporate the fund raising auction with a bake sale or any amount of great food ideas.
Get the Auction Items Early
The main draw back with a fund raising auction is the time that it takes to collect all the items that will be auctioned off. It is best to plan this type of fundraiser well in advance. You may even think organizing it one full year ahead of time. This allows you an entire year to caress inherent sponsors to help.
Some of the items that you can collect may not even be hard good at all. You might be able to get many local businesses to donate gift certificates or services. You might think about piano lessons, golf lessons, or any other kind of chapter that might be taught in your area.
Keep a Good article of Everything
One thing that is indispensable with any fund raising auction is the need to keep each and every information of your donations. You will need to keep article of who, what, and when an item was donated. You will also want to get an estimated value and make sure there are no rules on a donation. If a golf chapter usually cost seventy dollars the donor may not allow you to auction it off for less than forty dollars and so on.
There Is Big Money In A Fund Raising Auction