วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Stumped for a Great Mother's Day Gift? Read this Article!

Are you certainly stumped for Mother's Day? Maybe a bed and morning meal weekend isn't right for your Mom this year. This description contains a unique Mother's Day gift idea that may be the perfect choice for you.

Does your Mom volunteer for charity events? Does she well up with tears when she sees commercials for children's organizations or animal ownership associations?

Donate For Children

Consider donating in her name to a group like Save the Children, Child Find, or Peta. A one-time donation can be made online or over the phone.

If you leave it until the last minute, you can pick out a beautiful Mother's Day card and include a note to let her know about the donation. Make a few printouts from the association's website - possibly an 'about us' page and information about their programs (with photos, of course)

The following is a list (in random order) of organizations with feel information. They all have websites with feel forms. Most have branches in several countries.

*Christian Children's Fund (Ccf):
2821 Emerywood Parkway,
Richmond Va 23294,
Telephone 1-804-756-2700 or 1-800-776-6767,
Christianchildrensfund Org

You can make a one-time donation or sponsor a child. Do not select the 'sponsor a child' choice unless you plan to make the monthly payments yourself. Otherwise, discuss it in progress with Mom, to see if she is willing to do so.

*Plan International Headquarters:
(formerly bring up Parents Plan),
Chobham House, Christchurch Way,
Woking, Surrey Gu21 6Jg, Uk,
Telephone 44-1483-755-155,
Fax 44-1483-756-505,
Plan-International Org

Plan works worldwide to achieve persisting improvements for children living in poverty in developing countries.

*Save the Children:
54 Wilton Road,
Westport, Ct 06880,
Telephone 1-203-221-4030,
Toll Free 1-800-Savethechildren (1-800-728-3843),
Savethechildren Org

Save the Children is the leading independent assosication creating persisting convert in the lives of needy children.

*The Leprosy Mission International:
80 Windmill Road, Brentford,
Middlesex, Tw8 0Qh, Uk,
Telephone 44-(0)20-83266767,
Fax 44-(0)20-83266777,
Leprosymission Org

The Leprosy Mission International is an international non-denominational Christian organization, with over 130 years of feel in leprosy work.

*Child Find of America, Inc.:
P.O. Box 277,
New Paltz, Ny 12561-0277,
Telephone 1-845-691-4666,
Fax 1-845-691-7766,
Childfindofamerica Org

Child Find offers America's families several free programs: investigation and location assistance, kidnapping prevention, referral and support services, and mediation for parental abduction cases.

*National town for Missing and Exploited Children:
Charles B. Wang International Children's Building,
699 Prince Street,
Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3175,
Telephone 1-703-274-3900,
Fax 1-703-274-2200,
24-hour hotline 1-800-The-Lost (1-800-843-5678),
Missingkids Com

Make a donation and/or register for Amber Alerts via cell phone text messaging.

*Society for the stoppage of Cruelty to Animals (Spca):
P.O. Box 0965,
Wilton, Nh 03086-9905,
Telephone 1-866-494-7722,
Spca Com

The mission of Spca International is to raise the awareness of the abuse of animals to a global level, to eradicate the euthanasia of wholesome and adoptable companion animals, and to mount efforts to enhance animal welfare throughout the world.

*People for the Ethical rehabilitation of Animals (Peta):
501 Front St.,
Norfolk, Va 23510,
Telephone 1-757-622-7382,
Peta Org

Peta focuses its concentration on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer most intensely for the longest periods of time: on facility farms, in laboratories, in the clothing trade, and in the entertainment industry. They also work on a range of other issues, together with the cruel killing of beavers, birds and other 'pests,' as well as the abuse of backyard dogs.

This list is just the tip of the iceberg. If you don't find the perfect charity above, use your favorite quest machine to uncover just the right match for your Mom.

©Copyright Kathy Steinemann: This description is free to issue only if this copyright notice, the byline, and the author's note below (with active links) are included.

Stumped for a Great Mother's Day Gift? Read this Article!

วันศุกร์ที่ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

How to Donate Used Cars

Donation of used car is an easy way of disposing them without a lot of hustle. Critics in the United States claim that by donating a car is someone else way of tax shelter.

When an private decides to donate used cars, it is easy to process ones valid Irs deduction in tax, it is foremost to description to the required authorities when intending to donate in order not to cause confusion in the motor vehicle registration department.

Donate For Children

When a man donate used cars is an easy way of avoiding running up and down advertising and making phone calls trying to sell a car.

Some of the advantages of donating used cars is that it helps find missing children, reserve decisions that make the society a good place for growing children and even avoid children going missing even in the first place.

There are those organizations known as donation schedule where cars, trucks, boats and trailers may be donated. When a man decides to pledge a donation, the matter is taken up by vehicle donation processing town where all the paper work and documentation are handled.

Payments for all the administering of the schedule are handled by the assosication a man is dealing with. When one decides to donate used cars, an private tax is reduced by about 4 million per year in the Us only.

Because most citizen donate vehicles with an intention to have an upper hand on tax deductions, the donor needs to go through some requirements on the post donations in order to qualify for the tax deduction.

This is supposed to be accompanied by a written acknowledgment in order to itemize the tax return rather than taking the thorough deduction. Mostly deduction amount comes from the donors estimation value of the car.

This makes the charity to have no selection but to sell the vehicle at a low price. It is compulsory to attach the charity's written details on their tax returns for vehicles valued more than 0.

A donor is at freedom to pick from more than 300 non profitable organizations that make the whole process easier.

Some assosication donating programs have their own car yards that strictly deals with the selling of the donated cars while others have auction donating clubs that carry out the whole process.

This processing or donating company normally takes a division of the sale value of the vehicle.

How to Donate Used Cars

วันอังคารที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Free Sample Donation Thank You Letter For a Fundraising Gift Or contribution

The most leading letter in direct mail fundraising never aks for a donation. Thank-you letters increase donor loyalty, expand relationships and increase your chances of receiving more gifts in the future, along with major gifts and heritage gifts.

But only if you get them right.

Donate For Children

Direct mail fundraising is about relationships, not revenue. The only way to originate sustainable revenue straight through the mail is to thank donors promptly, personally, particularly and positively.

Here is a sample donation thank-you letter.

Friday, January 16, 2006

Samantha Yordvick
363 Blandon Crescent
Tulsa, Ok 19188

Dear Samantha:

This is just a quick note, but it comes from my heart to yours as I head out the door for my flight to Bombay.

Thank you for your very kind gift of 0, which we received today. Your generosity will make an immediate divergence in the lives of mothers in Calcutta. I'm going to make sure of that on this trip.

For one thing, we are going to use your gift to fund our early intervention program. Your generosity is going to help us buy the method and fortified milk that our mothers give to their babies and toddlers. Good nutrition, as you know, is so vital in fighting off the diseases and infections that are so prevalent in Calcutta.

You can read about this keen initiative-and your leading part in it-in the upcoming issue of our newsletter, which we will mail to you in January.

Thanks again for your kindness,

[real, actual, live signature]

Bill Bladstone

About this letter

Here are a few things to observation about this letter.

Not "Dear Friend." This letter is a personal thank you from the heart of the president to this donor. Even though the president does not know Samantha personally, he writes to her as a friend, which is to say, by name. The opening sentence reveals the personality of the writer and clearly shows that this letter was written on a single day, by a single person, for a single reason. Openings like this resonate with donors, who want to be acknowledged by a human being and not a computer. The writer acknowledges the donor's gift by date received and amount given, definite details that make the letter personal instead of generic. The writer shows in concrete, easy-to-understand ways how the donor's gift will be put to work today, changing lives and manufacture a divergence in the world. Donors need to know that their contribution, any way small, accomplishes the goals of the donor in supporting your organization.

Free Sample Donation Thank You Letter For a Fundraising Gift Or contribution

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Helping Needy Children Close to Home

There are plenty of organizations out there that help needy children, but perhaps you hesitate to help these charities because you want to help children in your own society and in your own state. That is understandable. There is a lot of concentration given to children in need from other parts of the word, but the Us and other countries like the Us, Canada, and Australia who are more contemporary and wealthy have the same problems. They are just not as widely acknowledged. You can help those close to you.

Needy children are everywhere. Chances are there are a few in your local school, if not more. There are children who do not have enough to eat, don't have enough clothing, and probably have very few toys to play with at home. Clothing and food are most important, of course, but toys are necessary to reasoning development. Children that go without often suffer in school and this carries with them into adulthood. If you want to help needy children, there are things you can do right from home.

Donate For Children

You can donate your children's gently worn clothing items to the Salvation Army, which often helps needy children in your own community. Many of the items you donate stay local. You can also keep an eye out for many of the charity events your school theory or your local news stations may sponsor. Some ask for blankets and coats, and some have drives for school supplies. Pick up a few extras when you are going out to get supplies for your own kids, and donate them to the school or other local charity.

You can either donate money, food, or your time to help feed needy children in your own community. Some have free lunches throughout the summer at parks and other recreational areas. You can donate your time to help. If your local stores have drives in which you can donate canned foods, or that ask that you give a few dollars at the register when you buy your groceries, give as much as you can. As with the Salvation Army, most of these dollars and donated items are going to stay local to help the needy children in your area. Your local paper and television stations are some of the best sources for finding out about food drives and other events of which you want to be aware. Churches can also be a help.

Though the basics are often considered with needy children, they also need to have fun. If you have the time, construct some society events that are free to any children that wish to come. These moments of fun with other children can make a huge variation in their lives. You can also give your time to any fundraisers in your local area that advantage children like the Children's Miracle Network or March of Dimes. All children deserve to have a happy and safe childhood, and with just a puny effort or a small donation, you can help that come to pass for children in your own community.

Helping Needy Children Close to Home

วันศุกร์ที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

10 Organizational Tips for Overwhelmed Parents

Parents often feel overwhelmed, frustrated and guilty as they guide their children straight through the stages of childhood. For most parents, cooking, cleaning, carpooling, grocery shopping, bath time, bedtime, and potty training are on the shortlist of what they are responsible for daily. It can feel like the tasks keep mounting up and there are no parenting tools to help keep up.

Chores can forestall prominent parenting responsibilities like teaching children about good behavior and manners, playing games as a family, or just sitting back and enjoying some peace and quiet together. Clutter and disorganization can improve the strain that many parents already feel raising children.

Donate For Children

Good assosication is a parenting aid that leads to a more manageable life and more time to interact with the children. Maintaining a well organized life helps in parenting with less frustration and stress. Taking time out to keep the home clutter free and running smoothly does wonders in reducing parental stress.

Following are ten tips to increase peace, quiet, and free time in your home:

1. Pick-up, toss and donate.

Place an keen large basket with handles in a central location. Prescription a detach bin, basket or box for each family member marked with his or her name. Keep the bins accessible, for instance on the stairs prominent up to bedrooms or lined up in the hall near bedrooms.

Every evening before bedtime walk straight through the house with the handled basket and pick up all left on the floor, on counters or draped over furniture.

Transfer the salvaged items from the handled basket into the owner's bin. Make a rule that bins must be emptied before bed or the bin owner will lose a privilege. You can go even added and say that items left in their bins overnight will be donated to those in need. Be insistent and consistent about children putting away their things and disciplining appropriately for leaving items in their bins. Being responsible for one's belongings and helping to say a clean environment is a very prominent behavioral part that teaches children respect for home and family.

2. Make sure that all has a place.

It is impossible for children to put their belongings away if there is no designated location. Make sure that there are abundance of shelves for books, drawers for clothes, bins for toys, hooks for bags, bathrobes, coats and hats. Putting things away should not be random; sometimes it goes here, sometimes it goes there. all needs a permanent home; board games always go in the closet, socks in the upper right hand drawer.

3. Set up hooks for coats and a bowl for keys.

Inside the door where the family comes and goes, hang a labeled personel hook for each family member where he/she can hang a coat and backpack. A marvelous expanding to the hook is a cubby settled underneath the hook for hats, mittens, lunchbox etc.

Place keys, sunglasses and cell phones in an keen bowl close to the usually used door and be sure to get in the habit of throwing all items into that bowl. Not searching around the house finding for the keys will save a lot of time and power and sell out parental stress.

4. Save one and toss the rest.

Children bring a lot of paperwork home from school. It is impossible to save and store it all. Pick a small representation of what the child is doing in school and toss the rest. A thin well labeled spiral ring notebook with plastic sleeves works nicely for storing a small sampling of the child's hard work. An alternative to the notebook, is to scan the pages into the computer and keep a Cd of the child's school year.

Really marvelous pieces can be brought immediately to a great frame shop to be framed and later displayed in a prominent spot in the home. One expertly matted and framed piece of artwork honors a child's hard work far best than holding a stack of papers private away and yellowing in a musty box or drawer.

5. Do one load a day.

Wash, dry, fold, and put away one load of laundry a day. As soon as a day is missed, the laundry starts to pile up and the work becomes overwhelming. Teach children how to sort their own laundry and put into suitable laundry baskets. Get children into the habit early of picking up their clothes. Teach the children how to put away their own clothes in the suitable place.

6. Hang up a shoe tree.

Hang a shoe tree on the back of the door that the family uses most frequently. Parents should insist that everyone hang their shoes as soon as they take them off. This eliminates the line of shoes scattered over the house and makes shoes easy to find as the family is scrambling to get out of the door. If the kids don't hang their shoes, they lose the shoes or a privilege. Remind children consistently and the kids will begin to hang their shoes automatically.

7. Keep the bathrooms tidy.

Wipe down the bathrooms daily or the mess can become daunting; at a minimum put clothes in the hamper and hang wet towels. If the sinks, toilets, tubs and mirrors are fast wiped clean daily there is less need for a massive and exhaustive cleaning. Make sure that the children have their own towel racks to hang wet towels on and hampers in the bathroom. If there aren't enough towel racks the towels will end up being thrown on the floor and can't be reused. Wet towels on the floor lead to extra laundry.

8. Sort the mail.

Sort the mail daily and immediately throw away all junk mail. Open the bills, remove the actual bill and return envelope, and throw away all unnecessary remaining in the bill envelope. Place all bills in a folder marked "Bills to be Paid" and keep the folder next to the computer and/or checkbook. Keep a roll of stamps, plain white envelopes, a pen and a wastebasket within reach. Pay the bills on the same day every month.

9. Dispose of broken, empty and out of date items.

Out of order telephones, obsolete computers and electronics, toys missing pieces, unused or out-of-date cosmetics, broken appliances etc. All need to be thrown away. Sometimes these items are stored in the hope of finding, fixing, mending, combining or selling. Often what happens is the useless item ends up convention dust and taking up precious space. Throw away the unsalvageable and donate the salvageable. Take one Saturday every two or three months and go straight through the closets, drawers, attic, basement and carport and acquire the unused items and get rid of them.

10. Use a large calendar to sell out stress.

Posting a large dry erase calendar in a central location allows parents and children alike to know what is advent up that day, week and month. The calendar should have all posted so there are no surprises. Set a good example and be on time to appointments, school, events etc. Teach children that being even five minutes late is disrespectful to those who are waiting. Tardiness adds to anxiety and stress so being on time will help to calm down the household.

None of the above habits are difficult to implement, and each one on its own will help make the job of parenting more manageable. You don't need to put all in place at one time. Reconsider development one change every week. That way, within three months you will enjoy more control, free time to devote to children, and peace and quiet.

10 Organizational Tips for Overwhelmed Parents

วันจันทร์ที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Fund Raising Ideas for prosperous Event society

It is not adequate to have a genuine cause and good intention to invent thriving fund raising organization. It is very challenging to motivate and persuade habitancy to donate even for a genuine and authentic cause. The first and prominent requirement of such assosication is to have some very enthusiastic volunteers in their team so that they can invent and promote the event. Promotion is very prominent for the fundraiser and this can be done by development use of all resources available. Today, you have Internet apart from the print and broadcasting media.

Internet can be one of the greatest sources to help you get ready and motivate your team as well as persuade habitancy to donate for the cause. You can make use of the social media sites and make use of the contacts of all members of your team also. You can also blog out the events and make use of emails, post-cards, posters and all possible media. The ideas should be decided after promotion. Consider the interests of the guests so that they feel that they are determined as a part of the event.

Donate Funds

Depending on the cause you can invent programs. For example if you are organizing fundraiser for a school, dissimilar types of competitions and shows can be organized as a part of the fund raising process. There are some professionals in this field that help in fund raising ideas and events as well. If you find mystery in raising fund for your assosication or any cause, you can take help of these professionals so that you have a thriving fund raising event.

There are many aspects that are taken care of and the professionals or the fund raising companies that provide you this type of service understand this better. It is very prominent to make the right choice while choosing the company. If you go in crusade of them on Internet, you will find a huge number of individuals and companies claiming to be the best. You have to settle on the one that fits in your criteria and is useful for you.

Fund Raising Ideas for prosperous Event society

วันเสาร์ที่ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Before You Donate to society service Or a Charity, research the club

"Charity could lead to a multitude of sins," said Oscar Wilde. What did he mean? In a financial sense, he may have meant that you have to be careful about how someone will spend your donation. But maybe he also meant that you have to be wary about what charity you donate, lest the population that they profess to help never receive your donation. Throughout history, the most favorite recipe of stealing money has been to steal it under the guise of charitable interest. By preying on people's sympathy, unscrupulous charities can receive a constant flow of money without having to do much convincing.

In most cases, ulterior charitable organizations don't pocket your donation outright. Instead, they trickle a small estimate of money to their supposed beneficiaries and use the rest for other purposes. However, if you're inspecting donating to charity, the goal is not to be so careful that you rule not to donate, but to follow some time tested guidance that will keep you from donating to the wrong organizations. Either you plan to donate to society aid projects, a religious charity or a secular charity, following the two tips below will keep you from giving to organizations that will misappropriate your donation.

Donate Funds

Research the Organization

Whether the aim or your donation is toward a society aid task or a normal charity fund, don't give to an society before you invite its written literature and a copy of its latest yearly report, which should comprise a list of its board of directors, its mission statement and its most modern available audited financial statements that comprise together with notes. While it would still be potential to falsify this information, most unscrupulous organizations are seeing for easy targets and won't spend time going back and forth with someone who questions their legitimacy. But the rule is to not give to organizations that can't supply you with the above materials, regardless of their explanations.

Make Sure the society is Legitimate

Here's how easy it is to start a false charity or society aid organization: you put up a website, rent cheap office space under an assumed name and have sufficient few phone lines so that each of your associates can record a distinct department. Therefore, even if you receive convincing documents from an organization, it's best check with the American originate of Philanthropy (Aip) in the case of charities and the great company Bureau Wise Giving Alliance in the case of society aid organizations to see if they're familiar with the society that you're considering. If they don't have a description of the organization, it could Either be because the society is highly new or because it's operating as a temporary money-maker in the form of a charitable organization. In general, its best to only donate to organizations that watchdog groups know about.

Before You Donate to society service Or a Charity, research the club

วันพุธที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

The 7 Characteristics of Rich habitancy

Have you ever wondered why rich citizen seem to get richer absolutely while those in the poverty cycle seem destined to be stuck there forever? The infer is simple. You need to think and act like a rich someone first before you can absolutely be rich. Let's take a look at some of the characteristics of rich people.

1. No miniature self belief

Charitable Donations

Rich citizen believe they are destined to be rich and there is nothing that can stop them from achieving that financial leisure goal. They will do whatever significant to reach their goals including doing things that they dislike or taking on tasks that seem impossible to complete.

2. Identify the point of time

Rich citizen also Identify that time is their most important asset and a very scarce resource. They do not waste their costly time sitting in front of a Tv watching soap operas or other entertainment programs like "Survivors." They also know how to use the power of leverage to achieve maximum results with minimum efforts.

3. Seek out other citizen of higher social status

Many poor citizen only network with other citizen that are of the same status as them. They do not actively seek out other citizen who are wealthier. The rich citizen will do the opposite. They want to network and learn from others who are great and wealthier.

4. Charge as investment

To many poor people, the best way to manage money is to use less of it. However, rich citizen have a separate viewpoint. To them, many expenses can be viewed as investments. By spending a definite amount of their money to get an asset or skill, they know they will get back what they spent in the future.

5. Strong self-confidence

Many rich citizen exhibit a high level of self-confidence that is often contagious. They are optimists and profess a definite outlook at all times. Their belief is not absolutely shaken by external factors.

6. Good money habits

While saving is a good virtue and habit, many rich citizen feel that it is not the best way to grow your money. Rich citizen will put a significant measure of their wealth in some kind of investment vehicles that give them a great Roi than a general saving account. They also do not spend their money aimlessly buying things that have no real value such as lottery tickets.

7. Philanthropy

Many rich citizen are also great philanthropists. They often make charitable donations intended to increase human well being. A great example is Bill Gates who set up his own charitable foundation aimed at providing lifesaving health care products for the poorest part of the world.

Most rich citizen did not come to be wealthy overnight. They faced many setbacks and challenges to get to where they are today. To them, setbacks and challenges supply significant lessons that help them find the way to great wealth as well as improve their quality to faced adversities in life.

The 7 Characteristics of Rich habitancy

วันจันทร์ที่ 7 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

asset Donations in Canada - Tax Legislation

In Canada since 1996, the circumstances for charitable provisions in relation to capital has been improving. Enhancing Federal Tax Policies for Canadian Charities and relating this to capital gains exemptions for donation of real estate is implied by Malcolm Burrows of C D Howe Institute.

For the last 13 years there have been numerous tax incentives offered in Canada relating to capital gifts. Giving to charity transcended 140% due to these tax incentives.

Charitable Donations

Just because there is a rise in gifts doesn't mean there is no scope for improvement. While the gross whole of gifts rose, the whole of donors has been shrinking. Regular contributions of lesser amounts are the more desirable option, but charities are looking the gifts are arrival as large one off donations. This flow makes charitable institutions more exposed to economic fluctuations.

Real Estate and secret business shares don't qualify for capital gains exemptions. These policies therefore supervene in a store imbalance. Owners and Charities are looking out they are now in a less desirable situation. In truth, properties are very rarely donated.

Donating real estate includes some struggles. One of the biggest concerns among policy makers is about choosing the fair store value of the real estate property bequeathed, which may motivate the donors to alter the value of the property in their accounts. Someone else concern comes for the charities themselves. A charity may contact more problems when they receive real estate gifting than capital. Charities will find these issues comprise tax and maintenance difficulties once the property is under their management.

These problems are not beyond resolution. Malcolm Burrows proposes two inherent ways of production real estate bequeaths.

Gifts of money from a real estate sale. Acquiring cash from the property sale avoids any problems with valuations, tax and upkeep. The earnings Tax Act has made inherent for the cash from some property sales to be used as earnings since 2000. The seeder should be able to bequeath a percentage or the whole whole if the legal difficulties were developed.

Property gifting. The main question lies in the expectation of manipulation of the property value. production sure the new owner is not granted the right to sell the property for a whole of years and the use of independent real estate appraisers are a join of approaches around this concern.

Real estate embodies a huge share of both individuals' and companies' assets and it is useless to discourage the likelihood of the charitable donation of such assets. A great deal of work has been done in the scope of tax exemptions legislation, but it has left the store imbalanced. The next rational step of addressing this shortcoming should be by means of spreading tax exemptions to the segment of real estate donations.

asset Donations in Canada - Tax Legislation

Are You Misappropriating Your Nonprofit's Funds?

One of the things that you learn speedily when starting and operating a 501(c)(3) society is that you have to cope money wisely. A nonprofit is no dissimilar than any other business in that you must make ends meet. Otherwise, your charity will cease to exist. The current economic difficulties make this task even more intriguing as we all are stretching dollars until they are see-through.

But here's a interrogate you probably haven't considered: In all of your efforts to keep the lights on, could it be that you are misappropriating funds without knowing it? Is it possible that you are even committing a crime? If you do not understand what the Irs requires concerning designated funds, you might be.

Donate Funds

I cannot begin to tell you how many times we see this situation messed up. Most of the time, it is an innocent attempt by a board or menagerial director to just be good stewards of the money habitancy have donated.

For example, suppose things are tight at the ole soup kitchen. There is not sufficient cash in the normal operating fund to buy all the food that is needed for the upcoming Christmas season. There is, however, a pretty good chunk of cash sitting in the fund designated for construction a new facility. And, in truth, the food shortage is a far more pressing need. It is unlikely a construction task will be started for at least two years. Is it Ok to divert some of the construction fund money to the food fund?

Maybe...or maybe not.

Two Types of Designated Funds insight that there are two types of designated funds (or donations), solicited and unsolicited, is the first step in getting this right. Let's take a look at each:

Solicited designations. A solicitation means that your society asked for donations for a particular cause. Maybe it was by letter, email, website, radio spot...it doesn't absolutely matter. What matters is that donations given in response to a direct solicitation are to be permanently dedicated to that purpose. In our soup kitchen example, the board cannot move that money around, no matter how dire the circumstances, if those funds are the succeed of a solicitation. Just last week, many of you may have read the story of the director of a large, national charity resigning after it was found he did just this very thing. Was it for a good reason? Yes. Was it illegal? Unfortunately, yes.

Unsolicited designations. These are donated funds that the donor designates without having been solicited by the charity. For example, Bob decides to donate 0 to the local soup kitchen, but on his own decides to "designate" that those funds be used for future expansion. In this situation, can the charity legally divert that money to its food fund? This may surprise you...but the write back is, "Yes!" To be fair, there are absolutely times where it is politically gismo to honor an unsolicited designation, but the key point is that only the charity itself can tie strings to the donation. This news often comes as a welcome relief to charities that have struggled with how to deal with these situations.

One more point about solicited designations...there are ways to avoid this problem. First, contribute a disclaimer with your solicitation that the society reserves the right to move money as it sees fit. Or, that any funds received over and above the allocation of the solicited purpose will be put into the normal fund. In a situation where it's too late for a disclaimer, you can go back to donors and ask permission to retask their donations. Keep in mind that they have the legal right to say no, though that is unlikely in most legitimate situations of need.

Handling the finances of a nonprofit is all the time a challenge. Knowing how to properly address designations is crucial to staying out of problem with your donors...and the law.

Are You Misappropriating Your Nonprofit's Funds?

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Creating Your legacy With Donor Advised Funds

An highly popular and efficient means of creating a legacy to your community is through the use of Donor Advised Funds. This is a charitable fund set up through a community Foundation. It is an alternative to a house Foundation for those who do not want to take on the responsibility of administration, potential liability, description retention and lack of privacy. Since Donor Advised Funds are set up and administered through community Foundations, a good beginning place for this post would be a definition and argument of community Foundations.

What is a community Foundation?

Donate Funds

A community Foundation is a social charity organized under the Internal income Code. They are commonly set up to serve a exact geographical area. community Foundations furnish grants to a number of different charities in its assistance area. Instead of concentrating on one charitable cause, a community Foundation dedicates itself to serving the wide collection of needs of its community and donors.

Community Foundations are set up as endowments and the grants given by it come solely from the income of those endowments. Many community Foundations limit the number of grants they can give each year to a exact ration of the endowment principal. In this way, the endowment remains stable while times of store volatility.

In setting up a Donor Advised Fund, you would donate a sum of money or property to the community Foundation as a enduringly endowed fund. Each year the income from your fund would be available to contribute to charitable organizations or causes in the community. You and your house are allowed to direct or recommend how the grants are to be distributed each year.

Comparison with house Foundations.

1. Donor Control. Both house Foundations and Donor Advised Funds furnish the donor with discrete levels of control in choosing grant recipients. With a Donor Advised Fund, you and your family, as the donor, can make advisory recommendations to the community Foundation who has the greatest authority to pick the recipients.

You have complete control in choosing grant recipients (subject, of course, to Irs requirements) if you originate a house Foundation. Founders can originate their own board, have a wide selection of investments and absolute discretion in recipients. house Foundations allow you the full range of flexibility and control.

2. Set Up Costs. Donor Advised Funds are much less costly to originate than house Foundations. house Foundations need the formation of an entity, whether a nonprofit corporation or a trust, with all of the suitable legal fees and filing costs. The Donor Advised Fund is created within the community Foundation and, in most cases, can be set up with a simple agreement.

3. description retention and Administration. Management, description retention and tax reporting for a Donor Advised Fund is provided by the community Foundation normally at a low every year fee (1% of less of the fund balance). The board of a house Foundation has the responsibility of administering the house Foundation, although it can maintain exterior administration services.

4. Charitable Tax Deductions. With a Donor Advised Fund, cash contributions are deductible at the full rate (up to 50% of the donor adjusted gross income "Agi"). house Foundations' tax deductions are dinky to up to 30% of the Agi. Contributions to Donor Advised Funds of marketable securities and other property such as real estate receive a charitable tax deduction for the full store value. With house Foundations, the deduction for marketable securities is based on the full store value. However, for other appreciated property, like real estate, the deduction is dinky to the donor's cost basis in the property.

5. Excise Taxes. house Foundations are required to pay a 2% every year excise tax on its net speculation income. Donor Advised Funds are not branch to this tax.

For persons with smaller estates or those that do not need the control over the grant making process, a Donor Advised Fund is an entertaining alternative.

Donor Advised Funds furnish much more privacy. Because of the need for tax filings and reporting with the house Foundation, it is easier for population to find out the identity of donors and how much money they contribute. An individual's gift number to a Donor Advised Fund is not publicly available.

Creating Your legacy With Donor Advised Funds

วันเสาร์ที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

School Bus Donations

A car donation is a courteous and easy way to conduce to a noble cause. Habitancy can sponsor a school bus or donate a used school bus to an club or any charitable group that works for public services. Organizations either use the car for the society's needs or may even sell it to raise funds for their activities.

Many non-profit organizations are now willing to donate buses to schools. It is true that a small group of thoughtful, dedicated individuals can turn the world. This is inherent only because of donors who go out of their way to provide help to the needy.

Donate Funds

Some non-profit day care centers use donated school buses to get children back and forth. They must be sure that the buses are in total heal and have no problems. They do not accept old school buses, and they have to be adequate with seat security belts for each occupant.

Online sites are ready that provide details of assorted school bus non-profit charities. Habitancy can either buy them at a low cost or can even hire them. The website will tell you how to go about donating school buses and also provide information on how to receive a school bus from a charitable organization. Individuals can also register for these buses online.

The club that Habitancy donate their school bus to normally takes care of everything from change of ownership to towing the car. All donors need to do is call the organization. If Habitancy wish to donate a school bus, online forms are ready straight through many auto donation sources. Donors may submit the form and receive an early reply, with most vehicles gladly excepted. It is advisable to have the bus title ready and other relevant paper work required.

School Bus Donations

วันพุธที่ 2 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Three favorite School Fund Raising Events

School fund raising is becoming a more and more in quiz, topic. With tougher economic times it seems that so many school budgets are being cut across the country. Fund raisers are certainly necessary in order for most all groups to be able to function or have tool in order to operate. This description will look at three school fund raising projects you might consider.

One - The Jailhouse

Donate Funds

One fund raising project that has been very thriving in my area has been the jailhouse project. What you do is call prominent firm people throughout your area, and people donate so much money for them to be arrested by a pretend policeman that goes down and puts some pretend handcuffs on the someone and escorts them to the local pizza parlor or something where they stand in some sort of a made up the jail for a few hours.

Two - Music in the Park

Another very popular school fund raising project is to get many local students that will perform musical ensembles, duets, and form small singing groups. You can advertise this event, by getting donated time on the radio and perhaps getting local printers to print up flyers for you. The society all comes out on a Saturday night or even a weekday night to listen to the music and you fetch donations.

Three - Old against the New

The last event that has been very popular over the years for many school fund raising projects is the alumni against the student's basketball games. There are many medium-sizes to larger communities that will have a good estimate of alumni, students that played on the basketball team over the years. perhaps they even have their sons and daughters playing on the basketball team for the same high school now. This can be a huge school fund raising project that can get bring society support.

Three favorite School Fund Raising Events

Vending Commission - What You Can Expect To Pay

Many locations will ask for a vending commission. When it comes to a commission the final consumer is all the time the someone who ends up paying it. You should all the time let your accounts know this when giving the presentation. If you can you will want to sell them on the idea of retention the cost down and being able to provide them with best service due to lower or no commissions.

What's In It For Me?

Charitable Donations

Many times you will be talking with the Human Resources owner and they will have the what's in it for me attitude. What they are commonly reasoning about is what they will be able to do for their employees with a vending commission.

Many times they want to be able to have an worker appreciation dinner. This is all the time a hard thing to over come because everyone likes to give other peoples money away when it makes them look generous.

Convenience Of The Machines

If your prospective new inventory is new to the vending enterprise you can sell them on the idea of the convenience. You will also want to educate them on the positives of their employees not leaving the enterprise while their breaks and lunchtime. Many of these types of customers have watched their employees leave to go after a snack and return a few minutes late in doing so.

Energy Cost

There are many new power sufficient vending machines on the market today. If you are selling a new inventory let them know of the power savings they will enjoy with your new equipment. Later, if they ask about a commission you will be able to come back with the added charge you will have in buying the power sufficient equipment.

This may not completely get you out of paying a commission but it will give you a bargaining chip for lower commissions. The lower commissions will pay big dividends for you in the long haul.

Quality Products

This is another area that vendors will cut on when they are paying the location too much commission. When you make your proposal if you have seen that the customers' present seller is using this tactic let them know without mentioning the present vendors name that you will be carrying name brand products.

Many vendors will carry Butterfinger Crisp instead of Butterfinger bars and your prospective customer will observation this even if they do not mention it. Of policy everyone knows the crisp bar costs less and it will help you explain a lower commission.

Charitable Donations

Charitable donations are a tasteless thing in the bulk vending enterprise to avoid paying a commission. This has not taken hold in the full line vending arena. This may be something you want to try as you can all the time take it away if the location demands a cut of your sales.

I would like to hear from whatever that has been able to sell a large full line vending customer on this idea. It would be great to be able to share this with other venders and eliminate giving commissions to the account. It would be a win-win deal for the charity, seller and location.

Metering To conclude Trust Problems

If you have detected a trust issue that an inventory has with their current seller offer to show them a monthly narrative of each machines meter reading. Only very old machines do not have this capability.

There are some vending companies that will offer unrealistic commissions because they have no intentions of showing the customers the meter readings. Most companies are honest but there are a few that will do what ever it takes to win an account.

A Vending Commission Can Help Win The Larger And Longer Contracts

An inventory with 300 employees or more will expect a vending commission. These accounts are being solicited by vending companies continually. When you are bidding on this type of an account, especially when it is a blue collar account, you can expect to bid with a commission in your proposal.

The time a vending enterprise saves when servicing a larger inventory will help off set the commission. There is not as much dead time in a day when you are servicing larger accounts.

When you are contribution a vending commission to an inventory try to stretch the contract time out to 2 or more years. The inventory will at times be more inclined to give longer contracts with larger commissions especially if they have been dealing with you for a period of time.

You will want to allow for more executive time when you are paying commissions and development metering reports available.

Rates Of Vending Commissions

The rate of commission you are willing to pay should be established before you ever give a proposal. Depending on your connection with the inventory you may want to go in with a lower rate in order to be able to negotiate if they ask for more. If you are the new enterprise it may be advisable to give them your best shot at the beginning because you may not get a 2nd opening to negotiate.

The best commission rate is, of course, 0% but you may have to go as high as 20% to get a new account. Just make sure your prices are in line to be able to give the larger rates. As for me, I'm willing to walk away from an inventory that wants too much of a commission.

Some vending companies are willing to pay what ever it takes to get the inventory as long as they are able to payment sufficient on the sell side. I enjoy hearing from each of you and read all comments that are sent.

Vending Commission - What You Can Expect To Pay

วันอังคารที่ 1 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Fund Raising Tools For Nonprofits

Your fund raising plan will guide staff, board and volunteers as they implement different goals and strategies -- from the yearly petition to the events to major donor development.

Your Fund Raising Plan is made up of three straightforward building blocks:

Donate Funds

A. Private Donors B. Institutional Donors C. Earned Income

For each of the three building blocks, there are a wide range of strategies for developing revenue, as the following exemplify:

A. Private Donors

1. Direct mail (best for donors giving smaller gifts. Direct mail never makes money when acquiring donors - only straight through repeat gifts from those who are current donors. It is all the time a good idea to send out mailings multiple times each year).

2. Extra events including events such as "Aid and Comfort," Rape urgency Center's "Hot Salsa" dance party, Big Brothers Big Sisters "Bowl for Kids Sake." Extra events require a 6-9 month lead time, a strong group of volunteers, active Board involvement, and corporate involvement to donate many items to keep costs down).

3. Small events can be house parties for major donors, thank-you events for donors and volunteers or other small events. Small events are excellent ways to involve new major donors, when current major donors are willing to serve as hosts and ask their friends.

4. Telethons (though people often cringe at the idea of calling people, phone contacts can be very effective when calling those who are regular, loyal donors. Agencies often send letters out in advance request for a donation and letting people know the volunteers will be calling; often people send in donations. Calls should be short and to the point, thanking the person for their support. all the time use volunteers.

5. Private Solicitations (primarily for those giving larger gifts).

B. Institutional Donors

Institutional donors consist of all of the different institutions that contribute grants, contracts and donations. These ordinarily include:

1. Federal Government - grants and contracts
2. State Government - grants and contracts
3. Local Government - grants and contracts
4. National foundations
5. Local/regional foundations
6. Corporations and corporate foundations
7. Civic groups
8. Faith communities

C. Earned Income

Earned earnings includes all earnings received from sales of any kind. This would consist of sick person fees, subscriptions, tuition, workshop fees, mark sales and other sales. Most nonprofit earned earnings is thought about to be "substantially related" to mission and not chargeable under requirements of the "Unrelated firm earnings Tax" law.

Develop a fund raising plan by using these steps:

Analyze your current income. Do you have earnings from multiple sources? Are there areas where you do not receive income, but could potentially develop? Most nonprofits have miniature earnings from individuals, and could significantly increase Private earnings by developing a plan to use petition letters, events and direct palpate with donors and prospects. (Approximately 87% of all philanthropic resources comes from individuals; foundations, corporate foundations and bequests constitute the 13% balance.)

Develop a plan with definite strategies for diversifying your revenue. Build keep for the plan with your board, volunteers and staff.

Implement strategies in the priority areas. Share results and build in support.

Share your experiences with other nonprofits; tap into the expertise within your own network and the state fund raising professionals' association. If you hire a consultant, check with peers for references, found definite goals, and don't found a percentage arrangement.

Fund Raising Tools For Nonprofits

What Motivates citizen To Be Charitable?

One of the great mysteries of human nature, is why some population can spend a lifetime accumulating massive wealth (often, but not always, by exploiting the under privileged) and then give it all away to charities. Sometimes they even originate their own charitable trust, which they administrate like a business, for giving away their money. Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation, would be good examples of this.

This record will survey this issue to try to understand what motivates population to donate so generously to charity.

Charitable Donations

Let me start on the skeptical side. There are some population who take the view that the main motivation behind charitable activities is self interest. The benefactor could, for example, want to impress be company colleagues with his "generosity" in order to win more business

Or he could be after a tax break - see charitable-tax-deductions.com for more on this. Or maybe it's a "karma thing". He feels by giving to the poor, he then has the right to seek even more wealth.

I think that there might be some truth in these views, but truly don't believe the skeptics when they say that there is an ulterior motive behind all kind charitable donations. They are negating one important factor: as human beings we have an broad propensity to simply "do good". Giving charity is truly creates a great feeling of self enlightenment. Charity, in all its varieties, gives a great deal of joy and reasoning peace to all the parties involved - the giver gets a great deal of delight from giving for a noble or a cause dear to their heart.

People are also greatly implicated with collective responsibility. By making a contribution to something which they believe in, these population feel that, even in a small way, they are making a difference. The idea of leaving the world in a great place than how you found it, does carry a lot of appeal.

What Motivates citizen To Be Charitable?