"Charity could lead to a multitude of sins," said Oscar Wilde. What did he mean? In a financial sense, he may have meant that you have to be careful about how someone will spend your donation. But maybe he also meant that you have to be wary about what charity you donate, lest the population that they profess to help never receive your donation. Throughout history, the most favorite recipe of stealing money has been to steal it under the guise of charitable interest. By preying on people's sympathy, unscrupulous charities can receive a constant flow of money without having to do much convincing.
In most cases, ulterior charitable organizations don't pocket your donation outright. Instead, they trickle a small estimate of money to their supposed beneficiaries and use the rest for other purposes. However, if you're inspecting donating to charity, the goal is not to be so careful that you rule not to donate, but to follow some time tested guidance that will keep you from donating to the wrong organizations. Either you plan to donate to society aid projects, a religious charity or a secular charity, following the two tips below will keep you from giving to organizations that will misappropriate your donation.
Donate Funds
Research the Organization
Whether the aim or your donation is toward a society aid task or a normal charity fund, don't give to an society before you invite its written literature and a copy of its latest yearly report, which should comprise a list of its board of directors, its mission statement and its most modern available audited financial statements that comprise together with notes. While it would still be potential to falsify this information, most unscrupulous organizations are seeing for easy targets and won't spend time going back and forth with someone who questions their legitimacy. But the rule is to not give to organizations that can't supply you with the above materials, regardless of their explanations.
Make Sure the society is Legitimate
Here's how easy it is to start a false charity or society aid organization: you put up a website, rent cheap office space under an assumed name and have sufficient few phone lines so that each of your associates can record a distinct department. Therefore, even if you receive convincing documents from an organization, it's best check with the American originate of Philanthropy (Aip) in the case of charities and the great company Bureau Wise Giving Alliance in the case of society aid organizations to see if they're familiar with the society that you're considering. If they don't have a description of the organization, it could Either be because the society is highly new or because it's operating as a temporary money-maker in the form of a charitable organization. In general, its best to only donate to organizations that watchdog groups know about.
Before You Donate to society service Or a Charity, research the club