Thousands of knitting clubs and organizations across the United States meet ordinarily to gossip, laugh and knit baby clothes for the sheer delight of donating them to separate organizations who help parents cope with their newborn babies in need. If your knitting club is seeing for something rewarding to do with your left over scraps of yarn reconsider knitting baby caps, booties and blankets and donating them to one of the following organizations. But remember, newborns have very delicate skin so be sure to use the softest baby weight yarn you can find.
Hospitals - Premature babies and newborns with vital curative needs often spend the first few weeks of their lives in the cold, sterile environment of the Neo Natal Care Unit. Parents who are already distraught over their newborns feel even more anxiety thinking that their small ones are spending their first days in an environment that in no way compares to their cozy nursery waiting at home. small caps and blankets and booties help cozy up the atmosphere a small bit - for the parents as well as the child.
Donate For Children
Unfortunately, some parents also have to deal with the death of a newborn and often they only get to hold that child one time - to say goodbye. Ask your local hospital if the have need of baby blankets so the parents can snuggle the child and then bring the blanket home as a keepsake.
Women's Shelters - Women and children in shelters always need all the help they can get and hand knitted items make their lives a small warmer and brighter, too. In fact, you could not only donate knitted baby clothes but they'd also probably appreciate extra gifts for mom, too.
Your Church - Check with your church for a list of families in need in your area. The pastors ordinarily have the inside track on the families who need help and the mothers who are most needy. If nothing else, maybe your knitting club could have a yard sale with your projects and donate the proceeds to the church.
The Animal protection - No one ever thinks of the animal protection but puppies get cold, too. And all dogs like a warm blanket to roll up in. If the population in your knitting club are big animal lovers reconsider manufacture blankets for your local animal shelter.
Your Local Craft Shop - If you're not sure who to approach try your local craft or yarn shop.
If your knitting club meets every week, reconsider manufacture one meeting a month a Charity meeting. Or make all of them about donating your knit baby clothes to population in need. The only thing best than gossiping, laughing and knitting together is donating your knit baby clothes to man who can surely use the hug.
Where to Donate Your Knit Baby Clothes